Automatic Tax Filing: A Game Changer for Canadians

Hey there, fellow Canadians! Exciting news from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) – automatic tax filing services are now available to thousands more of us. 🎉

7/31/20241 min read

In July 2023, the CRA invited over 500,000 eligible Canadians to file their 2023 taxes using their super simple SimpleFile services. You can now file your taxes by phone, online, or even by mail. How cool is that?

This national pilot project, which got the green light in the 2024 federal budget, is designed to help low-income Canadians who either haven't filed taxes before or have gaps in their filing history. The CRA promises that with this service, you can file your taxes in as little as 10 minutes. Yes, you read that right – 10 minutes!

Back in March, the CRA expanded its SimpleFile by Phone system. This program lets you answer a few straightforward questions over the phone, and by the end of the call, you'll have an estimate of your refund. Now, with the addition of digital and paper options, the automatic tax filing service has reached at least 2 million Canadians this year alone.

So, what are your options? You can choose to file by phone, online, or by mail. If you opt for the phone or digital service, you'll answer some simple questions and confirm your personal info. If you've set up a personal identification number (PIN), you'll know your refund amount by the end of the call. If not, you'll get a notice of assessment by mail or in your CRA account.

The best part? These services are available daily from 6 a.m. to 3 a.m. Eastern Time, seven days a week. That means you can file your taxes almost anytime that suits you!

Experts have been pushing for automatic filing for a while now, noting that many vulnerable Canadians miss out on benefits they're entitled to. The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) even reported that rolling out an automatic tax filing system could mean more than a billion dollars in unclaimed benefits each year.

Earlier in 2024, the CRA had already invited over 1.5 million Canadians with lower or fixed incomes and simple, unchanging tax situations to join this pilot project. This is a huge step towards making tax filing easier and more accessible for everyone.

So, if you’re eligible, why not give it a try? Filing your taxes has never been this easy. Let’s make the most of these new services and ensure we’re getting all the benefits we deserve!

Stay tuned for more updates, and happy filing! 😊